Truth 4.0—Seeing As God Sees
1. “God knows who you are even before you do.”
God called Gideon a “mighty man of valor.” Who is God talking to when He speaks to you? What would He call you? Can you describe that person?
2. What is Spiritual Law #9?
Write out 1 Corinthians 1:28-29 below:
3. “It’s easy to get life and God mixed up.”
Why is it easy to get life and God mixed up?
Have you done this?
What things have you heard other people say when they got God and life mixed up?
4. Which of these statements is true?
a. God will use your facts to make you better.
b. Jesus is Lord and He owns it all—including your facts.
c. You do not have to wait for your facts to improve to begin the inner transformation of spiritual and emotional growth.
d. You don’t have to understand everything!
e. All of the above
5. Did you ever think that God didn’t care about you—at least as much as others? Or perhaps He was indifferent, or harder on you than others, or had something against you? Below are some thought patterns that result from flawed mental habits. Which of these have you previously believed? Circle the ones that apply. Write in any you experienced that are not listed.
a. Nobody likes me. There’s something wrong with me.
b. I can’t be a part of that group because I’m not good enough.
c. God loves others more than He loves me.
d. There’s something about me that’s different. I can’t win.
e. Everyone will abandon me eventually.
f. I’m not worth much.
g. The only thing I’m good for is ______________.
h. I can’t get anyone to love me. It must be my fault.
i. God must be punishing me for something.
j. I’m supposed to be unhappy.
k. All the above.
Considering your answers above, find a scripture that speaks to each one. Write them down, and reference them beside each statement above.
As you begin to view your situations with a new perspective (seeing as God sees), can you see it differently now?
Does your perspective line up with the Truth? If not, how can you reconcile your beliefs with the Word of God?
6. “God did not get pulled into Gideon’s situation.”
In this chapter, we listened and watched as God met Gideon at the winepress. This is an excerpt from the chapter: “Gideon argued, but God didn’t respond to any of Gideon’s complaints…He did not say one single word in response to Gideon’s objections. It seemed as though He wasn’t listening at all!”
Have you ever tried to talk to the Lord about something but it seemed He wasn’t listening? Did you think He didn’t care? Explain how you interpreted God’s SILENCE.
How do you interpret it now?
7. “God did not correct any of Gideon’s facts.”
The Lord did not wait for Gideon to get his life straightened out before He called him to lead Israel. If this is God’s way of doing things, what does it mean for you?
8. “God does not judge according to external qualities.”
What qualities do you have that you previously thought might prove a hindrance to your chances for success, happiness, and entering into your purpose—into God’s will for your life?
How can you reconcile those hindrances with God’s promise on your life?
9. Gideon’s questions were IF, WHY, AND WHERE. What questions have you had, and how did God respond to them?
Did you allow your questions to affect your relationship with the Lord? Explain.
10. “Questions about that ask why not faith questions. In this context, why is associated with doubt, now faith.”
How does God respond to doubt?
11. What is Spiritual Law #10?
Write out Hebrews 11:6 below:
12. God is not interested in your past; He’s interested in your ___________________.
BONUS QUESTION: Debbie says you must let go of the questions to move on. Do you think you can do this now? Explain.